
Best Banana Bread

There are lots of recipes out there for dressed up or added-to banana bread (chocolate chips, caramel, strawberries, etc.), and there's nothing wrong with that. But sometimes you just want a slice of good, old-fashioned banana bread. There are also lots of great banana breads out there....this one is my best. 

Sweet, moist, and fragrant, this deeply-flavored banana bread will win a place in your recipe box.

My Best Banana Bread  Print Recipe

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
2 eggs
1 and 1/2 cups very ripe bananas, mashed (about 3 medium)
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease the bottom of a 9 X 5 loaf pan (or two 8 X 4 pans).

2. In a large bowl, mix sugars and butter with an electric mixer on low until smooth. Add eggs, bananas, buttermilk and vanilla. Beat on medium until well combined.
3. Combine flour, soda and salt in a medium bowl. Whisk to combine. Stir in nuts.

4. Pour flour mixture into banana mixture and fold in by hand, just until moistened. Pour batter into prepared pan, and bake for about 1 hour and 10 to 15 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out mostly clean (a few moist crumbs are OK). Times are for 9 X 5 loaf. You may have to adjust time for 2 smaller loaves.
5. Cool in pan on wire rack for 10 minutes. Using a thin knife, loosen sides of bread from pan and remove loaf from pan onto cooling rack. Let cool completely before slicing. Store tightly covered. May be even better the next day. Keeps well for about 4 days.

Fresh out of the oven

This was adapted from an old Gold Medal Flour recipe that my mom has made ever since I can remember. I tweaked it slightly, replacing part of the granulated sugar with brown sugar, and using syrupy frozen bananas. It can be made with regular ripe bananas, of course.

Cook's Notes: I used 3 large bananas that had been frozen (whole and unpeeled) and then thawed. To do: put very ripe, unpeeled bananas into a zip lock freezer bag, press out all the air, and freeze. Bananas will turn completely black, but they're fine- it's just the peels. When ready to use, leave bananas in bag and thaw on counter or in fridge overnight. Don't peel until ready to use. Thawed bananas will be soft and liquidy, and you'll think, "eeuuww". Peel bananas over a bowl and use all of the banana pulp and juices. They are a little darker than fresh, but the sweet banana taste is perfectly intact.  

About 55 minutes into baking, the loaf had browned enough, so I rotated it and turned the heat down to 325 degrees for the rest of the baking time. 

My Best Banana Bread may have been taken to some of these fun parties!

You may also enjoy Homemade Pie Crust:

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  1. That is so true, it's nice to have the original every once in a while, great recipe!

  2. Looks delicious--I have some bananas in the fruit bowl that are just about ready for bread. Thanks.

  3. This looks so moist! I love banana bread!

  4. I love banana bread -- a nice thick warm slice with cold butter on it and a fresh cup of coffee to go with it. Yum! I will have to try this one but I sure wish banana prices would go down!

  5. I love banana bread too!! Gotta pin this for sure!

    I'd love it if you would link this up to my party -

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. What a gorgeous loaf of banana bread. Thank you so much for joining us at Simple Super Tuesday.

  7. You are right…sometimes simply banana bread is all you want. I love to butter some and toast it under the broiler like my Mother use to do….yum!

  8. Hi! Dropping by from fabulous party! I just love banana bread. You can have it in the morning or as a snack!

  9. G'day! I can almost smell this from here Joy and want to try some right now!
    Viewed as part of Simple Supper Tuesday LINKY PARTY #12
    Cheers! Joanne

  10. Plain Jane banana bread is the best. Yum. I'd love if you'd come link up at Tickle My Tastebuds!

    Julia @ Mini Van Dreams

  11. Joy,

    I love banana bread. Your banana bread looks supper moist and delicious. YUMMY! I would love a piece with my coffee this morning.
    Blessings and sharing!
    Diane Raork

  12. Joy, this looks amazing! Banana bread is one of my favorite treats. I can't wait to try your recipe!

  13. Joy, what can I have done it again. Beautiful photography and what looks to be indeed the "Best Banana Bread" I may have a new favorite recipe. Blessings....Shari @

  14. Perfect timing - I have some mushy bananas and I am looking for a new banana bread recipe, thank you! Stopping by from the Time for Mom bloghop!

  15. Joy, love you photo's and the way you did the title. Looks delicious!

  16. Consider your bread pinned! Haha, It looks so good. I want a piece! I'm stopping by from the blog hop. Please stop by to say hi if you get a chance. I hope your enjoying your Tuesday!

  17. Thank you for sharing your awesome recipe! I absolutely love banana bread and make it all the time! YUM!

  18. Joy,

    You know I love banana bread. I just featured you at: Thanks for stopping by and linking up with Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop!

    Diane Roark

  19. Oh my, this looks delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipe with us at Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party.

  20. Joy, this banana bread looks delicious!! I like it without all the extra stuff, sot this is perfect. ;)

  21. I love your simple banana bread recipe. I have a bunch of bananas in the freezer - pinning to try this weekend! Thanks for hosting.

  22. Hi Joy - I can smell it baking in the oven through the computer! Hope all is well and saying an extra prayer for you today. Thank you so much for joining the Fluster's #CreativeMuster party - it was a lot of fun to co-host. Have a great week! Hugs, Holly

  23. The banana bread looks wonderful, Joy ! You are right, sometimes we just want the good old fashioned treats :-) {pinned!}

  24. There's nothing like a slice of delicious banana bread - it's so versatile and perfect for breakfast, snacks or teatime. Your recipe looks delicious, Joy, and the photograph is mouthwatering!

  25. I agree with you about the appeal (ha ha! do you get it? "a PEEL!") of plain old unadorned banana bread! I have a recipe that I make with the grandkids. Before they go home with a loaf of it, I carefully slice off a little from each end - just to make sure it's "okay" for them to eat! - wink, wink!

  26. Banana bread disappears quickly around here. Yours sounds delicious. I throw my bananas whole into the freezer too. I tear off one end and sqeeze them out...kind of gross, but it works great! Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great weekend!
    Blessings, Deborah

  27. I like my banana bread plain and simple. Topped with butter of course. lol! No chocolate chips for me. I have a good recipe but it is hard to get it cooked well in the middle. I am going to give yours a try. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  28. Good Morning Joy,
    I would love a nice slice of your Banana Bread to go with my morning coffee. Banana Bread always has that special smell, and I promise I can smell this bread. Thanks so much fo sharing with Full Plate Thursday today and have a fantastic weekend!
    Miz Helen

  29. My kids adore banana bread and this looks like a lovely recipe! #pocolo

  30. Thanks for sharing again with us at the #WWDParty - have a wonderful weekend.

  31. The minute I see banana bread, I'm in! Your recipe looks fabulous, Joy, and I agree - the good old fashioned kind is absolutely the best. I didn't know about the freezing method - thanks for the tip! Have a great weekend :)

  32. I have tried doing this once but using a bit of a diff version. The frozen banana tip is something new to me and I will try that the nezt time I bake this =) #pocolo

  33. I'm always looking for a good banana bread recipe. This looks delish!
    Kim @

  34. I always appreciate a good banana bread as this one! Perfect for breakfast!

  35. I love banana bread! I'm so excited! Your banana bread was the most viewed at our party this week! We are going to feature it tomorrow. Please join us at 7 pm, we love having you.
    Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls

  36. You can't beat a banana bread that is fruity and most. This one looks perfect!
    Would love you to share at our Marvelous Monday link party at Smart Party Planning :-)

    1. Thanks for linking up your awesome recipe. Hope we see you again next week :-)

  37. What a gem! Thanks so much for hooking up at MUNCHING MONDAYS!!!!! LOVE IT! xo Nic

  38. Delicious banana bread Joy, my family love banana bread . Thanks for sharing with Hearth and Soul bloghop.

  39. Yum! I love a good banana bread! I will be sure to try out your recipe! Pinning. :)

  40. Yummm and I can smell this already here in my home. :-) I wanted to let you know that I am featuring this post on my blog tomorrow at Tuesdays with a Twist, link party. Come by and take a look. Thanks again for sharing and have a great day. :-)

  41. Thanks so much for linking up at Teach Me Tuesdays @ 3GLOL. We appreciate you!!!! Hope to see you again this week!!

  42. G'day and just had to stop by again Joy and say what a lovely banana bread and congrats for also being featured in this week's Olive and Grapevine newsletter!
    Cheers! Joanne

  43. I love a good banana bread. This looks delicious. Thanks for sharing at the party. Hope your having a great week! @DearCreatives Theresa

  44. Mmm, I love banana bread, and this recipe is almost the same as mine! Thanks for sharing at Fridays Unfolded, and you're one of the features this week!


  45. I have to confess that I'm one of those people who has to add chocolate or bourbon or something to Banana Bread. But my husband much prefers classic Banana Bread. I'm a fan of using buttermilk for sure.
    Thank you for linking this week, Joy.

  46. Joy,
    Thanks for linking up to #GetHimFed last week. I'm featuring your post on #GetHimFed No. 38. Can’t wait to see what you bring this week. We party from early Friday morning through Sunday night every week. I’ve also pinned to our #GetHimFed Pinterest board.

  47. I love banana bread. Hello from the Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party.

  48. Oh. My. Yum! I love banana bread!

    Thank you for sharing your creativity at my Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party. Join the party each Saturday morning!
    ~ Ashley

  49. I adore banana bread and your right sometimes a good old plain banana bread can be yummy all on it's own. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!

  50. Gorgeous looking loaf!!
    Banana bread is not common here (yet), so it would be quite unique if I made it :)

  51. Yum, I was planning on making some banana bread to use up some over ripe bananas so I'll give this a go xx

  52. I end up trying a different banana bread recipe every time. I need to try your recipe next!

  53. I love a good banana bread recipe, Joy! Mmmm - I need to let some bananas turn brown!! :)

  54. I love banana bread! Reminds me of Fall. I don't know why I only make it in the Fall. It's kind of like pumpkin pie in that regard.

  55. Hi Joy, I'm always on the lookout for a good banana bread recipe and this one looks perfect1 Pinned and stumbled!

  56. I made this the other day and it turned out really great! Thank you for the recipe! :)


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