
Eggnog Pumpkin Pie

When I ran across this recipe, I was immediately interested. I'm not quite sure why. I like eggnog just fine, but I'm not a huge fan; entire years can go by without my having a taste of it at all. 

Regardless of why I tried it, I'm very glad I did. Eggnog Pumpkin Pie is creamy and sweet with a delicious balance of spices. The eggnog flavor is there, but in a perfect balance with the pumpkin; complimentary and enhancing without being overpowering. It's not so heavy or rich that you feel as though you need a nap after having a slice, but rich enough that you know you've had a nice dessert. It's a special, seasonal finish to a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal.

I expected to like it...but I didn't expect to love it (I do!), and I definitely didn't expect to decide that this is my new favorite pumpkin pie (I did!). It's that good.

Eggnog Pumpkin Pie  



1 (15 oz) can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
1 and 1/4 cups commercial eggnog
2/3 cup sugar
1 and 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs
1 deep dish pie crust, frozen or homemade


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, whisk together everything but the pie crust until smooth and well blended. Pour mixture into crust.

Bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until filling puffs up around the edges and center is set but not puffed. Cool pie completely on wire rack. Refrigerate until ready to serve or up to one day. Garnish with whipped cream and pumpkin pie spice if desired. Refrigerate leftovers.

Recipe slightly adapted from Good Housekeeping

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  1. Oooh, I love this twist on the traditional pumpkin pie! It's different, but not crazy different.

  2. My daughter and I just talked about pumpkin pie this week and she and I agreed we didn't like it because it was missing something. She said she thinks it is missing nutmeg. Well, nutmeg is the main spice ingredient in eggnog….who knew…you just fixed our dilemma! I can't wait to make this pie!

    1. Oh, I forgot to mention…I love your centerpiece…so festive! :)

  3. Joy,

    I have never had pumpkin pie with eggnog. It truly sounds wonderful. I will have to try it this year. I also love your log centerpiece. I checked it out. You are so creative. It truly is the best fall centerpiece I have never seen. I love the log with the candles.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Diane Roark

  4. I've never heard of this combo, but we all love eggnog, and I'm sure we would love this. Thanks for sharing! Pinned! :)

    1. I had never heard of it, either, Dee! I think that's part of what caught my attention! :) Thank you for coming by and for pinning!

  5. I have never thought of having pumpkin as a desert food but this pie looks and sounds delicious. I don't know that we can get pumpkin in cans here. the pie crust recipe is definitely one I would like to try. :)

  6. What a unique blend of flavors and I love them both. Definitely a must try soon of this show-stopper pie! Carrie, A Mother's Shadow

  7. Wow, this could become my favorite pumpkin pie. I love egg nog!

  8. My dad would love this as he loves both of these ingredients. I never would have thought to mix the two, but have to try for him now.

  9. Joy this looks wonderful! I love pumpkin pie, so I can't wait to try this new twist on it! Pinned :)

  10. Your photos are lovely! This sounds like a wonderful Pumpkin Pie recipe!
    Pinned. =)

  11. I love pumpkin pie and Richard loves eggnog which I have always found to be too strong and heavy but in pie? Definitely going to try this out.

  12. Oh, this pie sounds delicious! I am going out to the kitchen to make one...thanks for sharing the recipe.

  13. Thank you so much for attending week 11 of #PureBlogLove and linking your fantastic blog post. Your eggnog pumpkin pie sounds truly wonderful. I can't wait to see what you have in store for our party next week Thursday 8 PM EST- Sundays at midnight. Your post has been added to the #PureBlogLove Pinterest board for all to see :) Have a great day!

  14. I bet the eggnog does give it a rich and creamy taste! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  15. Oooh! I am not a fan of how thick eggnog is, but I like the taste. Putting it in baked goods is about the only way I like it - and I have never thought to add it to pumpkin pie! Seems this might need to happen soon! :)

  16. What a great combination of holiday flavors!

  17. This looks dangerous ;) I'll take two...all for myself. Thanks for posting!
    Rebekah from Charming Imperfections

  18. Egg nog isn't my favorite either but it sounds amazing in pumpkin pie!!! This is such a great recipe - a winning combination!

  19. This looks outstanding. I love eggnog. I will have to try this. Linking up for the first time this week.

  20. Joy,

    I am stopping by to Stumble and pin your pumpkin pie and great log center piece. I truly hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Diane Roark

  21. Sounds fantastic, and easy, too! That's my kind of pie! Pinning!

  22. I have never had these two flavors together. I must try this.

  23. What a delicious twist on pumpkin pie! I'm definitely going to have to give it a try :)

  24. The perfect pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving! :)

  25. Do you think you could substitute sweet potato for the pumpkin?

    1. Judy, I imagine you could- just like a regular sweet potato pie....I just don’t know the exact amounts you’d use. I’ve never tried it, but doesn’t it sound good? If I were to try it, I think I would get a sweet potato pie recipe, and then substitute eggnog for the liquid called for in that recipe. I think that’s where I would start, anyway!! If you try it, please be sure to let me know how it turns out! :) Happy Thanksgiving! ♥

  26. Hi, Joy! I LOVE eggnog, and I adore pumpkin pie. I never would have thought to combine the two...this is genius! Pinned and tweeted...I want a slice now. :)

  27. Oh, this pie would be a favorite for my family. I am definitely going to have to try this!

  28. Featuring this week! I am going to post party early too, this Wednesday.

  29. What a simplistic recipe that sounds so tasty! I can't wait to try this but I haven't seen canned pumpkin here in Australia before so I'll replace this with steamed mashed pumpkin. Thanks for linking up at the Link Up Your Link Party! #mum-bo-jumbo #nannaswisdom

  30. This pie is the perfect transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Looks so velvety. Pinned. Thanks for bringing this to Weekend Bites. We will be live tonight 8:30 EST. Happy Thanksgiving.

  31. Looks amazing and I am going to save for Christmas as Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I have a pumpkin pie, cherry pie and an apple pie!!! How can this not go right two of my favorites Eggnog and Pumpkin, thanks for sharing. Visiting from Link up Your Link Up Party.

  32. Oh my! This looks incredible! Pinned and tweeted. We always love partying with you, I hope to see you Monday at 7 pm at our party. Happy Saturday! Lou Lou Girls

  33. Hello!! Just wanted to let you know I will be using this in a round up (posting soon) from the Teach Me Tuesday party! Very much appreciate you linking up with us ;)

  34. I'm liking your twist on pumpkin pie! Thanks for stopping by and sharing this on Five Friday Finds! I'm looking forward to what you share this week. :)

  35. I love to try this eggnog pumpkin pie, I tried traditional pumpkin pie, next I want to some the traditional recipe. Thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop. pinning and tweeting.

  36. What a delicious twist on typical pumpkin pie!! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!

  37. This eggnog pumpkin pie sounds so delcious Joy! Pinned!

  38. What a yummy idea to add eggnog!!! Thanks for linking up to Saturday Dishes!


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